We are an evangelical church based in Marston, not so far from Oxford city centre and both universities
God calls us to be members of his people, to love and encourage one another. MNC is small enough for everyone to get to know each other. This fosters growth and Christian maturity. We come from a variety of countries and backgrounds and rejoice in this diversity. Everyone has a role to play in our fellowship. We aim to be a genuine family, committed to one another in Christ.
… speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love. (Ephesians 4 v.15-16)
We want to encourage one another in our walk with God, and to discover the gifts we can exercise for the good of the body. We want to tell the community around us in Marston the good news of God’s love in Jesus Christ.
There are four things we particularly value in our life together as a church:
Welcome Word Witness Prayer
Our conviction is that God has revealed himself in the person of Jesus and spoken through his apostles and prophets, in writings available to us today in the Bible. We delight in knowing him and so are hungry to understand what the Bible says. That’s why we put an emphasis on hearing God’s word preached on Sunday mornings and studying the Bible together on Sunday evenings.
So faith comes from hearing, and what is heard comes through the word of Christ. (Romans 10, v.17)
The best way to get a feel for MNC if you’re new to the church is to come along on a Sunday morning. We look forward to meeting you. Students can expect an invitation for a family lunch afterwards!
We retain close links with the church that planted MNC, Woodstock Road Baptist Church, and with other churches in and around Oxford. We are affiliated with the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches (doctrinal basis). Information about church membership is available from our Pastor, David Earl.